- N: The Napoleonic Wars Review
- Game Review: Bloody Monday
- British Engineers 1813
- Ligny 1815: Last Eagles Playtest Replay
- 18 June 1815
- Empires in Arms Replay
- Napoleon in Europe Replay
- Pub Battles: Marengo Replay
- Interview with Gina Willis
- An Unclear Game is Good
- Imperial Russia and the Caucasus
- Napoleon at the Channel
- Armies that fought in the Waterloo campaign
- Scourge of War: Quatre Bras App Review
- The Peninsular War Expansion (new from Two Generals Games)
- Programmed Wargames Scenarios Minis Replay
- Marengo, 14 June 1800
- Cattaro and Ragusa (1813)
- Murat’s End
- Field Commander: Napoleon Review