- Austerlitz 1805: Rising Eagles Replay [video]
- Espionage During the Napoleonic Wars
- Trafalgar 1805 Unboxing [video]
- Ligny 1815: Last Eagles (Hexasim Preorder)
third game in the Eagles of France series, following Waterloo 1815 and Austerlitz 1805. The focus is on morale, attrition and commitment of formation (division & corps) at the right time, rather than tactical chrome. The detailed order of battle and the scale of the game allow players to really see the action and the game system provides a quick but realistic resolution. [Forum]
- The Russian Campaign 1812: Ultimate Chance for Peace?
- Nineteenth-Century Military Theory-Clausewitz and de Jomini
- Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era Review
- N: The Napoleonic Wars Play Tutorial [video]
- The Hanoverian Army at Waterloo
- Unconquered Lands Expansion (Two Generals Games Preorder)
- Wellington’s Victory Play Example [video]
- Napoleonic 20 Expansion Kit (with Hanau 20) Review
- La Patrie en Danger 1814 Replay
- N: The Napoleonic Wars Replay [video]
- Rebuilding the Russian Army – Summer 1813
- Bloody Monday Unboxing [video]
- Marengo: 14 June 1800
- La Patrie en Danger 1814 Replay
- La Bataille Pour La Prusse 1806 (new from Marshal Enterprises)
includes four separate games recreating the major battles in the 1806 campaign of the Empire of the French against the Kingdom of Prussia in Central Germany. The four games include : La Bataille de Saalfeld; La Bataille d’Hassenhausen (Davout’s epic battle with the Duke of Brunswick); La Bataille de Jena; and La Bataille d’ Halle. La Bataille d’ Halle is the 2011 winner of the Charles Roberts Award for best print and play game. [Forum]
- Napoleon’s Quagmire Replay