- Napoleon at Bay Play Session [video]
- Prussia 20 Replay
- Austerlitz 20 Replay
- The Largest Mini Wargame Ever Played? [video]
- Napoleon at Bay Play Session [video]
- Nations in Arms: Valmy to Waterloo – Rules Primer [video]
- The Struggle of Nations Unboxing [video]
- Trois Batailles en Allemagne (new from Legion Wargames)
Vive l'Empereur Series is a simulation of the battles fought during the Napoleonic Era in Europe, between 1805 and 1815. The scale is the regiment, a good compromise between the brigade level (with no formations) and the detailed battalions. The scale is 250 m/hex and a turn is 30 minutes. This is Volume IX and includes: Jéna, Auerstaedt and Le siège de Danzig. [Forum]
- Imperial Struggle Review
- Waterloo Campaign 1815 Replay
- Prussia 20 Replay
- Danube 20 Replay
- Six Days Campaign: 1814 Review
- Ligny 1815: Last Eagles Review
- Jena 20 Replay
- A Cold & Bitter Battle (new from High Flying Dice Games)
The Battle of River Raisin, January 22, 1813. Following General Isaac Hull’s surrender of the US Army’s surrender at Detroit, General Harrison was ordered north from Ohio and Indiana to salvage the fast-deteriorating situation. Dividing his forces into two columns, Harrison ordered General Winchester to join up with a smaller force of Michigan volunteers at Frenchtown. Learning of the larger US force coming from the south, British General Proctor left Detroit in the midst of the winter weather to deal with the growing US threat at the River Raisin. One of the most dramatic engagements of the war was about to ensue. [Forum]
- A Dark & Dasdardly Fight (new from High Flying Dice Games)
The Battle of Tippecanoe, November 7, 1811. By early 1811, tensions in the western portion of Ohio and the remaining Northwest Territory were increasing almost daily. Conflict with Great Britain loomed, and the Native American inhabitants were also alarmed regarding increasing US settler encroachments on their lands in violation of the 1795 Treaty of Greenville. This is the fourth game in the fourth title in the Battles of the Old Northwest Series (A Dark and Bloody Battleground and St. Clair’s Folly were released earlier). [Forum]
- Austerlitz Campaign
- After Berezina 1812
- Napoleon at Waterloo: The Sabin Variant Replay