- 2019 Annual: La Vendée, 1793 (new from LPS Inc)
Against the Odds Magazine has shipped another "Annual," the XL sized issues that contain a larger game and larger magazine than normal. "La Vendee, 1793" looks at the southern French provinces that rejected both the Revolution and Napoleon, and were never completely suppressed. (In 1815, Napoleon stationed 20 THOUSAND troops there!). The game looks at the first revolt, which was the largest and had the best chance of attracting foreign intervention. The "Whites" (anti-revolutionaries) want to seize and hold Republican forts and attract English help. The "Blues" must crush the rebellion and fight off partisans as well. Full-sized playing cards bring added surprises to this area-movement game by John Poniske, while Mark Mahaffy's beautiful graphics bring sparkle to map and components. [Forum]
- Quatre Bras V App Replay
- Swords around the Throne Preview [video]
- Interview with John Poniske
- C&C: Napoleonics, Exp #4 – The Prussian Army Review
- Battle of Alexandria, (20-21 March 1801)
- Russian Heavy Frigates
- Pub Battles: Austerlitz Replay
- Santa Cruz 1797 Replay
- Upon a Salty Ocean Review [video]
- La Bataille de Berlin 1813 (new from Marshal Enteprises)
The game recreates Napoleon’s efforts to capture Berlin in the summer of 1813 and knock the Prussians out of the Sixth Coalition. The game includes three different major battles: Blankenfeld; Gross Beeren; and Dennewitz which pit the Prussians under Prince Von Bulow and their Russian and Swedish allies against the French Imperial forces under first Marshal Oudinot and then Marshal Ney. [Forum]
- Battles at Sea: The Paradox
- The Shores of Tripoli Replay
- Tomb for an Empire First Look [video]
- Wooden Ships & Iron Men Review [video]
- Frigate: Sea War in the Age of Sail First Look [video]
- Quatre Bras Replay (Command and Colors)
- Quatre Bras Replay (Napoleon’s Last Battles)
- Polish Units – Napoleonic Era
- Wellington’s Staff