- I, Napoleon Review [video]
- 1793: Patriots & Traitors Review
- 1812! War on the Atlantic Seaboard Preview
- Napoleon’s Counterstrike First Look [video]
- Blue Cross, White Ensign Replay
- The Life & Times of I, Napoleon Replay, Part 10
- Ligny Play Session, Part 3 [video]
- Wargame Design, Spring 2025 Issue PDF (new from Operational Studies Group)
- War of 1812 Solitaire Play Session [video]
- 1812: The Retreat AAR
- Commands & Colors: Napoleonics AAR for all scenarios chronologically
- Interview with Pascal Toupy and Jean-Philippe Barcus
- Napoleon’s Counterstrike Review
- Disaster at Hohenlinden
- Congress of Vienna First Look [video]
- Napoleon’s Eagles 2: The Hundred Days Review
- Alliance Review
- Battle of Marengo, 14 June 1800
- Battle for Znaim, 10-11 July 1809
- 1793: Patriots & Traitors + 1795 Expansion First Look [video]