- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Succeed or Die (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Succeed or Die! The Battles of El Arish and Rafah, June 5-6, 1967. Succeed or die! is a low complexity level wargame simulation of the battles of Rafah and El Arish, fought in the Sinai between the Egyptian Palestinian forces and elements of General Israel Tal’s and Avraham Yoffi’s armored Ugdahs (divisions) during the Six Day War. [Forum]
- The Long Road (new from Flying Pig Games)
- Air Offensive Over Lebanon 1982
- S&T Quarterly, Issue 18: Korea–After Chosin (new from Decision Games)
Korea–After Chosin: Korea is often referred to as the Forgotten War. Even among military history enthusiasts, not much is known about the battles and campaigns beyond Pusan, Inchon, and Chosin. The issue goes in depth from the First Chinese Counteroffensive to Pork Chop Hill and the Armistice. [Forum]
- Redline Korea Review [video]
- 1985: Sacred Oil AAR
- Colonial Twilight Play Session, Part 5 [video]
- Vietnam: 1965-1975 (new from GMT Games)
This simulation game re-creates the longest, most complex, and least understood conflict in US history in all of its military and political aspects. The rules include detailed treatment of movement, terrain, search and destroy operations, special operations, firepower, airmobility, riverines, brigade-level formations, limited intelligence, and auxiliary units in each scenario. [Forum]
- Fields of Fire Play Session [video]
- The Third World War: Designer Signature Edition Replay
- Bad News on the Doorstep (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Bad News on the Doorstep: The Battle of Kontum, May 1972. One of the most violent battles of the Easter Offensive was fought over the town of Kontum. The central highlands town had been subject to many attacks over the years, but this was the most prolonged and unlike the earlier fights which were waged by the NLF, this was a large-scale conventional battle that included tanks and massive numbers of artillery and rocket support. The game is the latest in a series of games portraying famous battles of the Vietnam War. [Forum]
- The Third World War: Designer Signature Edition Replay
- The Two Chinas
- Kapustin War
- Save South Vietnam! Capsule Review
- Twilight Struggle AAR
- The Third World War First Look [video]
- The Third World War First Look [video]
- The Third World War, Designer Signature Edition (new from Compass Games)
The Third World War, Designer Signature Edition, marks one of the largest and ambitious game undertakings to date covering not one but FOUR true wargaming classics by Frank Chadwick, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, deluxe edition. Hailed by many as one of the finest and playable game series covering the NATO and Warsaw Pact, Third World War brings together all four games of the series into one, comprehensive package for all to enjoy. [Forum]