- The Enemy is at the Gates: Berlin (CSS) First Look [video]
- Order & Opportunity – Design Diary from V.P.J. Arponen, Part One
- Andean Abyss: Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Columbia Strategy Guides
- Vietnam: 1965-1975, Second Edition Replay
- The Chinese Invasion of India
- The Enemy is at the Gates: Berlin Play Session
- VaeVictis, Issue 172: La guerre de l’Ogaden, 1977 (new from VaeVictis)
- Less Than 60 Miles First Look [video]
- Andean Abyss – playing via Rally the Troops platform
- Nuclear Escalation Review [video]
- Fire in the Lake: Sovereign of Discord First Look [video]
- Korean War: Chosin Reservoir Preview
- Blackhorse Review
- Interview with Arrigo Velicogna
- White Christmas: The Fall of Saigon (new from High Flying Dice Games)
- Red Strike Replay
- Andean Abyss, 3rd Printing (GMT Games Preorder)
- Blackhorse (new from Tiny Battle Publishing)
- La vallée de la Mort: The Siege of Dien Bien Phu (new from High Flying Dice Games)
- Edge of Destruction: Turning Point on the Golan (new from Firefight Games)