- Victory or Death Review [video]
- Julius Caesar Review
- Great Battles of Alexander Replay [video]
- Great Battles of Alexander Replay [video]
- Poleis (new from The Game Crafter)
- SPQR Deluxe Edition Replay
- Great Battles of Alexander Replay [video]
- Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in The Second Punic War 219-202 B.C. Review
- Battles and Assaults in Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain
- Siege of Jerusalem: Variants and Short Campaign
- Poleis Review [video]
- Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar Review
- Conquest of Paradise, Second Edition Unboxing [video]
- The Siege of Jerusalem Replay
- Great Battles of Alexander Replay
- Conquest of Paradise Deluxe Unboxing [video]
- Conquest of Paradise Review
- History of the World Review
- Zama: Hannibal vs Scipio (new from Decision Games)
- Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar Review