- Pax Romana Replay [video]
- The Persian Capture of Jerusalem
- Pericles: The War in the Aegean Designer Overview [video]
- Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars Review [video]
- In the Name of Lykourgos Book Review
- Imperium Stage in The Pendragon Chronicles
- Ottoman Naval Development
- Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars Play Tutorial [video]
- Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars Review
- Pericles: Strategy in the Archidamian War
- Solitaire Play in Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea
- Optimates et Populares (new from Hollandspiele)
a political game for two players, in which players fight for the primacy and dominance of their ideology. Central to the game is Political Will. Each action you take will cost you some Political Will. The more you accomplish, the more anger it incites in the opposition and its supporters - and so, each action you take also cedes Political Will to your opponent. This creates a dynamic tension in which each player must balance pursuit of his own goals against the backlash that's just around the corner. [Forum]
- Enemies of Rome (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
It is 300 BC. Since being founded as a Republic in 509 BC Rome has grown in power and influence. You and up to 4 other players are one of Rome’s great leaders. Take control of legions and lead them across the known world for the next 600 years as you deal with uprisings, rebellions, political intrigue, and wars. Players can make alliances with one another (and true to Rome, break those alliances!) maneuver their forces and the enemies of Rome, all as they try to become the one true Caesar! [Forum]
- Chariots of Rome (Victory Point Games @ Kickstarter)
a simple (yet brutal) competitive chariot-racing board game for 2 to 8 cunning drivers set in ancient Rome's grand stadium, the Circus Maximus. Each player controls a unique charioteer character and competes on the giant track for two or more laps. Players can also drive with one of four teams (of two chariots), each representing a different historical Roman racing faction. [Forum]
- Pax Romana Replay [video]
part 2 of the ongoing replay series
- Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars Unboxing [video]
- Solitaire Play in Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea
- Pyrrhus of Epirus Book Review
- Legion Replay
- Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars (new from GMT Games)
a ‘sandbox’ (unscripted) wargame that uses elements from the Golden Geek best Wargame of 2015, Churchill, to simulate war as the extension of politics by other means over the ENTIRE period of conflict described in Thucydides classic history on the Peloponnesian wars. Pericles is a four-player game, where two teams of Athenian and Spartan factions fight for Hegemony in 5th Century Greece. [Forum]