- Time of Crisis Review
- Time of Crisis Play Overview
- Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea – July Development Update
- Flavius Aetius (c.391–454)
- Rome’s Great Rival in the East
- 390 BC and 64 AD: A Bad Day for Rome
- Warrior Horseman
- The Jewish War Review
- Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars Review
- Zenobia and Aurelian’s March To Syria
- Time of Crisis Review
- Time of Crisis Review
- Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar Replay
- River Allia and the Sack of Rome c. 387 BC
- The Republic of Carthage (new from The Game Crafter)
- Falling Sky Replay [video]
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 306: Agricola (new from Decision Games)
featured insert game covers the campaign fought by Gnaeus Julius Agricola, the Roman governor of Britain (AD 77-85) to conquer northern Britannia (modern Britain). There are two players, the Roman and the Caledonian (the latter actually representing various northern British tribes). Each player has units that represent military formations or tribal warbands. Players move their units, conduct battles and objectives. [Forum]
- Falling Sky Replay [video]
- Roman Military Careers after the Reforms of Augustus
- The Kingdom of Kush