- Pendragon – The Fall of Roman Britain Designer Diary
- The Revenge of the Magonids
- Falling Sky Replay
- The Beginnings of Norman Sicily
- Four Battles of the Ancient World Replay
- Achaemenid Empire Administration and Army
- Event Cards in The Pendragon Chronicles
- Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar Review
- Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar Replay
- Hannibal & Hamilcar (Phalanx Preorder @ Kickstarter)
- Time of Crisis Review
- Classic Maya Warfare
- Philip II of Macedon
- Oriental Empires App Review
- Alexander the Great’s Staff
- Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars Replay
- The Republic of Rome WBC Event Report
- Lost Army of King Cambyses
- Theodosius and the Goths
- SPQR Deluxe Edition Replay