- Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea: Meet the Mycenaeans
- The Sarmatians
- The Khmer Empire
- Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea: Meet the Phoenicians
- 2nd Megiddo – Josiah vs Necho II (new from ADMW Game Company)
Archers, chariots, javelin throwers, infantry, initiative, and the Mount of Megiddo itself all play their part. This is a two player non-card driven war game. The Egyptians have to get 1/3rd of their forces, within a time limit, off the opposite map board edge. The Judeans either have to delay them, or inflict sufficient losses on them. Historically, the Egyptian forces were on their way to help their allies the Assyrians against the Babylonians. [Forum]
- Gladiator Gauntlet Review
- Chinese Military History
- Tactical Use of Static and Mobile Linear Barriers
- Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea: Meet the Celt-Iberians
- Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea: Meet the Egyptians
- Time of Crisis Replay
- Pericles Replay
- The Way to Palestine
- Time of Crisis Replay
- Caesar: Conquest of Gaul Replay
- Field of Glory II App Review
- Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea: Meet the Gauls
- Battles of the Ancient World Volume II Replay
- Alans
- Ambrosius Aurelianus