- Pericles Replay
- Civilization Review
- Battle Line Review
- Arquebus Cerignola Replay [video]
- A Huge Scale Model of Ancient Rome at Its Architectural Peak, Originally Commissioned by Mussolini
- Hannibal & Hamilcar Unboxing [video]
- Julius Caesar Replay
- Republic of Rome Replay
- Libyan Pharaoh Shoshenq I (943–922 BCE)
- Ides of March (new from Fog of War Publications)
Ides of March: The End of the Roman Republic 44BC – 30BC is a print-n-play three-player simulation representing the end of the Roman Republic, with each faction vying for control of the state through both political and military means. As the leader of one of the three major factions, you control the leaders, forces, and political resources of your faction in a struggle to win personal control of the machinery of state and thus become “Princips”, or undeclared Emperor of the Roman World. [Forum]
- Civilization Review
- Pendragon Capsule Review
- Belisarius’s War Replay
- Field of Glory 2: Legions Triumphant App Review
- Commands & Colors: Ancients Replay
- Commands and Colors: Ancients Replay
- New Kingdom – Old Enemies
- Pendragon Replay [video]
- Pendragon Replay
- The 8 bloodiest Roman emperors in history