- Table Battles Expansion No. 2: Age of Alexander (new from Hollandspiele)
Table Battles: The Age of Alexander recreates that famous Macedonian's major battles, as well as two battles of the Diadochi. In almost all of these battles, the Macedonian Player has no room for error - the routing of a single Formation is often enough to lose the game. The opposing side has more leeway and more sticks, but generally comes up short in the quality department. Careful, nuanced play from both sides is require to stay competitive and to win the day. Most of these are larger engagements, with lots of cards and reactions for each side. [Forum]
- The Siege of Jerusalem, Third Edition Replay
- Hannibal & Hamilcar Review
- Richard the Lionheart Lands in Outremer
- Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars Replay
- Conquest of Paradise as a 4X Game
- InsideGMT: The Cards of Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea, Part 3
- Peloponnesian War: What Was Old is New Again!, Part 1
- Hannibal & Hamilcar Review
- Hannibal & Hamilcar Review
- Early Warfare and Weapons in Africa
- Commands and Colors: Ancients Replay
- Battle of Ecnomus (256 BC) – Largest Naval Battle in History
- Imperium Romanum II Review [video]
- Commands and Colors: Ancients Replay
- Pericles Review
- Imperium Romanum II Replay [video]
- InsideGMT: The Cards of Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea, Part 2
- Hannibal & Hamilcar Replay
- Peloponnesian War (GMT Games Preorder)
This is an enhanced edition (new art, mounted maps, new generals, pretty much an overall facelift) of the popular solitaire game that Mark Herman created for Victory Games almost 30 years ago. It is a design that has stood the test of time. From the opening of the Archadameian War in 431BC to the Fall of Athens in 404, The Peloponessian War allows YOU to compete against the man in the mirror, as you live through the suicide of Greece. Maneuver your generals, hoplites, and navies to fight battles and attempt to bring the war to an end on your terms. Take heed, however. As you weaken your foe, you create a greater game challenge for yourself. For as you improve in strength, so does your opponent. [Forum]