- SPQR, Deluxe Edition Replay
- Alexander the Great Review [video]
- Peloponnesian War (new from GMT Games)
From the opening of the Archadameian War in 431BC to the Fall of Athens in 404, The Peloponessian War allows YOU to compete against the man in the mirror, as you live through the suicide of Greece. Maneuver your generals, hoplites, and navies to fight battles and attempt to bring the war to an end on your terms. [Forum]
- Peloponnesian War Unboxing [video]
- SPQR, Deluxe Edition Replay
- Caesar Imperator: Britannia Review
- The Low Point of the Third Century Roman Empire and Reforms of Gallienus
- Antony and Cleopatra (new from Hollandspiele)
John Theissen’s streamlined approach to operational warfare in the nineteenth century in games such as Hood’s Last Gamble and Campaign of Nations has won him a number of admirers. Now he turns his attention to the last war of the Roman Republic, to the marching of Legions and the sailing of fleets, to the rise of Augustus and the fall of Mark Antony and the savvy Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra. [Forum]
- Time of Crisis Unboxing
- History of the World Review
- Julian and the Alamanni
- Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain Review
- War Galley Review
- SPQR Deluxe Edition Replay
- The Age of Iron and Rust: A Time of Crisis Expansion (new from GMT Games)
This is an expansion for Time of Crisis, a game that allows 2-4 players to re-create the Roman Crisis of the Third Century, leading separate dynasties in a struggle for control of an empire beset by threats both internal and external. The Age of Iron and Rust provides new choices for players to build their influence, exert their Imperial power, and even play alone. [Forum]
- Time of Crisis, 2nd Printing (new from GMT Games)
In Time of Crisis, 2-4 players take the reins of Roman dynasties, gathering and wielding influence among the senate, military, and people of Rome to ensure that their legacies are remembered by history instead of being lost to the mists of time. Starting from control of one province and a few low-value cards, you are challenged to establish your base of power during this fragile period of Roman history. You must build your armies, take control of valuable provinces, develop your support, and defend yourself against barbarian incursions, inopportune events, and the machinations of your political opponents. This is a straight reprint, with any known errata corrected. [Forum]
- Cradle Of Civilization (Compass Games Preorder)
Cradle of Civilization is a pair of games, Sumeria to Persia and Alexander vs Darius, in one premium package (mounted mapboard and 1" size counters) that allows one to six players determine the fate of the Ancient Near East. In one game civilizations rise, while in the second, players battle over whether the great Persian Empire will survive or perish. Both games use simple mechanics to make them quick-playing and to portray a period feel to the players. [Forum]
- Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain Replay
- Semiramis
- An Indian Julius Caesar