- Men At Arms Replay
- [InsideGMT] Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes
- Joseph: Integrity & Endurance (new from ADMW Games)
Will your father give you a coat of many colors? Will your brothers throw you into a pit? Will your brothers sell you into Egyptian slavery out of jealousy? Will you become bitter in jail? How will you escape? This 1-4 player card-driven game is playable in 60 minute and is a cooperative game wherein Team Joseph has to gain endurance and integrity, as well as pass numerous Divine tests. [Forum]
- SPQR – Bagradas Plains (255 BC) Replay
- Blocks!: Julius Caesar App Play Example [video]
- Hoplite Replay
- Interview with Mark McLaughlin, Christopher Vorder Bruegge, and Fred Schachter
- Galatian Celts
- Abraham: Father of Nations (new from ADMW Games)
Will you as Abram move from UR? Will you establish the Covenant of Circumcision? Will you pretend Sarai is your sister, rather than your wife? Will your wealth increase? Will your faith enable you to become the Father of Nations? What will your relationship with Lot be? Will you petition God for mercy for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? Will you save Lot in battle?Father Abraham is a 1-4 player 1-2 hour cooperative game wherein Team Abraham has to pass numerous Divine tests, travel various places, increase wealth, and walk by faith. [Forum]
- Hoplite Replay
- Emperor Theodosius and the Goths
- Noah & Sons: Master Ship Builders (new from ADMW Games)
Noah & Sons Master Ship Builders is an exciting, interactive, cooperative 90 minute card-driven game of 1-4 players who must skillfully work together to build & provision a three-story massive ship. The Ark was 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, & 51 feet high. It contained the equivalent space of 450 semi-trailers of cargo and housed approximately 6,750 animals. Can your team of players repeat Noah’s epic achievement in time? [Forum]
- Third Megiddo: Titus vs John & Simon (ADMW Games Preorder)
Third Megiddo. After massing the V, X, XII, and XV Legions; as well as auxiliaries throughout the entire Roman World at Megiddo, will you as General Titus then proceed south and successfully siege Jerusalem in AD 70? Will Israeli infighting, starvation, and desertion aid your campaign? Will battering rams and catapults be successfully deployed as the walls of Jerusalem crumble? [Forum]
- Judges – Revolt of the Righteous (ADMW Games Preorder)
Judges – Revolt of the Righteous will Othneil, Ehud, Barak, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and / or Samson deliver Israel from the hands of their oppresors? Will these Judges help turn the hearts of the Hebrew people back to the God of Abraham, Isaaic, and Jacob? Will they unite Israel sufficiently to restore her independence, peace, and prosperity? The first time this topic has been covered in a boardgame. [Forum]
- Tacticus (ADMW Games Preorder)
Tacticus is a “Fog of War” game with Hebrews Heroes (David, Joshua, Samson, Joab, Caleb, Othniel, Ehud, Abishai, Benaiah & Jehu) vs. Heathen Heroes (Nimrod, Antiochus Epiphanes, Ahab, Ahiman, Sheshai, Talmai, Endore Witch, Og, Goliath & Beast). The Heathen and Hebrews have to capture each others’ King. Mountains, spy’s, projectiles, & strategy cards add complexity to the otherwise straight forward field of battle. This is a 2 player game lasting about 30 minutes. Can you protect your King while capturing your opponents? [Forum]
- Blocks! Julius Caesar App Review
- Hoplite Replay
- Homer: Weaponry and Command
- Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea Game Analysis
- Advanced Civilization Replay