- Peloponnesian War Insights and Impressions
- The Punic Wars Replay
- Sulla versus Mithridates
- Cataphract, 2nd Printing Unboxing [video]
- Interview with Kevin McPartland
- The Great Battles of Alexander Replay
- Over the Icy Peaks
- Battles of the Ancient World Volume III Replay
- Hannibal & Hamilcar Replay
- GBoH Cataphract Replay
- Peloponnesian War Replay
- Time of Crisis Review
- Cataphract, 2nd Printing (new from GMT Games)
Cataphract portrays the development of the art of war wrought by the early Byzantine Empire, during the reign of Emperor Justinian, under his great Generals, Belisarius and Narses. During this period the Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, for a brief period of time, re-captured a large portion of what was formerly the Western Roman Empire. This edition includes the Battles of the Utus River (447 CE) and the Catalaunian Fields (451 CE) from the original Attila Scourge of God Module. [Forum]
- Belisarius’s War Review
- Simple GBoH Replay
- Cataphract Unboxing [video]
- Battle Line Review
- Time of Crisis Replay
- Marius
- Barbarians at the Gates (Compass Games Preorder)
covering the Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 - 476, is a card-driven game by game designer, Kris van Beurden (whose credits include Europe in Turmoil) for two players set during the final century of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman player commands the Roman legions loyal to the failing central authority and those Germanic peoples who have settled peacefully inside the Roman Empire, while the Barbarian player leads Usurper Emperors, and controls the migrations of the savage Germanic peoples, who are the Barbarians at the Gates. [Forum]