- GBoH: SPQR Tifernum Replay [video]
- Salamis on Cyprus in 306 BC
- The Great Heathen Army Review
- Solitaire Caesar: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Analysis, Part 1
- Julius Caesar Review
- Alexandros And Spartacus (Compass Games Preorder)
Alexandros and Spartacus features not one but two great ancient games designed by Mike Markowitz that originally appeared in Command magazine in 1991 and 1992, garnering numerous Charles S. Roberts Award nominations and awards — Alexandors and I Am Spartacus. This expanded edition features both games along with their multiple expansions, three in total, to round out this impressive, DELUXE package with two full-size game maps and updated graphics throughout. [Forum]
- Field Commander: Alexander Review
- Julius Caesar Replay
- SPQR Replay
- Drusus in Germania
- Marathon 490 B.C. Review
- Commands and Colors: Ancients Replay
- Pericles Replay
- Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea Replay
- Consul for Rome: SPQR Battle Module III Replay
- Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar Review
- SPQR Replays
- Interview with Kris Van Beurden
- The Punic Wars Replay
- The Military Task of Imperial Rome