- Paper Wars, Issue 95: Hannibal (new from Compass Games)
featuring the insert game, Hannibal: The Italian Campaign, 218-208 BC by Stephen Newberg. This is a medium complexity strategic study of the Second Punic War. Turns represent a year of campaigning with map hexes scaled to 40 kilometers. The game included 200 counters, one full-size map, and the rules booklet. [Forum]
- Agricola, Master of Britain Game Analysis, Part 4
- Celtic Chariots and Warfare
- Battle of Changping 260 BC
- Battles of the Ancient World Volume III Replay
- Solitaire Caesar: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Game Analysis, Part 4
- Sevastopol: The First Modern Siege, 1854-55 Review
- Peloponnesian War Replay
- The Power of Rhodes
- Agricola, Master of Britain Game Analysis, Part 3
- Devil’s Horsemen Replay
- Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar – Ariovistus Review
- SPQR Deluxe Edition: Cannae 216 BC Replay
- Simple Great Battles of History Replay
- Peloponnesian War Play Insights
- Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain Review
- A New Wargamer’s Insights and Impressions from Commands and Colors: Ancients
- Thapsos & Alexandria Review
- The Epirote Army
- Solitaire Caesar Game Analysis, Part 3