- Imperium Romanum II First Look [video]
- Antike Replay
- GBoH Caesar First Look [video]
- Commands & Colors: online tournaments during the pandemic
- Stilicho: Last of the Romans Replay
- VI Against Rome First Look [video]
- Great Battles of History (GBoH) – My Top 3
- Time of Crisis Review
- ‘What Ifs’ Fall of the Roman Empire
- Cannae
- Mercenaries for the Basileus
- Naval Wargames Rules Fleet Action 1000 BC to 500 AD Minis Review
- The Emergence of Hoplite Warfare, 900–525 BC
- Aurelian, Restorer of the World (new from Hollandspiele)
Aurelian, Restorer of the World is a solitaire game from Tom Russell, the designer of Agricola, Master of Britain and Charlemagne, Master of Europe. This game is shorter and faster than the two previous games, lasting a maximum of six turns. It's also more difficult. Beyond marching around the map, quelling revolts, and smacking down usurpers, you must manage monies, maintain a strong defensive line along the Danube, make war against Germanic tribes, build up city defenses, and spread the cult of Sol Invictus. [Forum]
- Commands & Colors Ancients Replay
- Peloponnesian War Replay
- Commands & Colors Ancients Replay
- Rome in Gaul Before Caesar
- SPQR Deluxe Edition Replay
- Peoples of Roman North Africa