- 414 BC Siege of Syracuse Game Analysis
- Interview with Paul Kallio
- Some Carthaginian Generals
- Macuahuitl
- Sparta
- Holding The Line in C&C: Ancients [Analysis]
- Antike Replay
- Commands & Colors: Ancients Replay
- The Siege of Jerusalem Replay
- Interview with Mark McLaughlin
- Storm Over Jerusalem (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
Storm Over Jerusalem is a card-assisted, area-movement game based on Multi-Man Publishing’s Storm Over series of games (Storm Over Stalingrad, Storm Over Dien Bien Phu, and Storm Over Normandy). It covers the brutal 5-month siege of
Jerusalem in 70CE. Cards augment the game play and increase the tensions and choices faced by each player. [Forum] - The Gallic testudo at Alesia
- New Strategies of the Third Century Roman Empire
- Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain Replay
- ONUS! Traianus (ROMAN empire) Draco Ideas @ Kickstarter
Fight epic battles in this miniatures game without miniatures. Your troops are represented by cards on the battlefield, which include their game attributes as well as an illustration in this historically realistic game system. ONUS! Traianus is a new standalone title that includes 8 armies and takes the fighting to the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. [Forum]
- Barbarians at the Gates (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
Barbarians at the Gates, The Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 – 476, is a card-driven game by game designer, Kris van Beurden (whose credits include Europe in Turmoil) for two players set during the final century of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman player commands the Roman legions loyal to the failing central authority and those Germanic peoples who have settled peacefully inside the Roman Empire, while the Barbarian player leads Usurper Emperors, and controls the migrations of the savage Germanic peoples, who are the Barbarians at the Gates. [Forum]
- Compass Games Live, Episode 73 [video]
- Interview with Luis Álvaro Hernández
- Caesar: Rome vs. Gaul Replay
- Advanced Civilization Replay