- Storm over Jerusalem (new from Multi-Man Publishing)
- Caesar XL Review [video]
- Imperium Romanum III Review [video]
- The Punic Wars: The Struggle for the Mediterranean Replay
- Antike Replay
- C&C: Ancients using CDG Solo System Replay [video]
- Hellenica: Story of Greece Replay
- Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East (new from GMT Games)
Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East (ACME) is brought to you by the same team that created Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea —designers Christopher Vorder Bruegge and Mark McLaughlin with developer Fred Schachter. ACME is not a sequel nor an expansion but a stand-alone game using the same multiplayer and solitaire systems as its predecessor, with many new and exciting features to intrigue its players. [Forum]
- Banish the Snakes Review
- Great Battles of Julius Caesar Replay [video]
- Time of Crisis Replay
- Viking: Tactical Warfare in the Dark Ages Review
- SPQR Replay – Caralis, 215 BCE
- SPQR Replay – Grumentum, 207 BCE
- Simple Great Battles of History (GBoH) Replay
- PRESTAGS Master-Pack Replay
- The Glory that Was Vol. I: Greece Replay
- Europa Universalis: The Price of Power Review
- Falling Sky Scenario Analysis
- Europa Universalis: The Price of Power Replay