- Washington’s Crossing Review [video]
- Russian Heavy Frigates
- Fernando VI (1746–59), King of Spain
- Guilford Play Sessions [video
- Washington’s War First Look [video]
- Carlos III’s Reign
- Horse & Musket Annual #3 (new from Hollandspiele)
The third annual scenario book for Sean Chick's Horse & Musket series brings twenty new battles to your table drawn from throughout the eras covered in the first five volumes. Ownership of the base game plus one or more expansions is required; ownership of all five will enable you to enjoy all twenty scenarios. [Forum]
- Liberty: The American Revolution Review
- Horse & Musket: Tides of Revolution (new from Hollandspiele)
The long-awaited fourth volume in Sean Chick's Horse & Musket series shifts the scene to a period of social upheaval, peopled by radical revolutionaries, dominated by two world-changing events – the American War for Independence, and the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy, resulting in the War of the First Coalition. THIS IS AN EXPANSION. You need "Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era" to play this game. [Forum]
- American Indian Warfare
- Wooden Ships & Iron Men Review [video]
- Bayonets & Tomahawks Designer Interview [video]
- C&C Tricorne, with Stuka Joe’s solo card system [video]
- Frigate: Sea War in the Age of Sail First Look [video]
- Dawn’s Early Light Review
- Siege of Izmail Play Tutorial [video]
- Bayonets & Tomahawks: The French and Indian War First Look [video]
- Bayonets & Tomahawks First Look [video]
- Flying Colors Replay
- Pub Battles: Germantown Review