- John Company: Second Edition Play Session [video]
- Piacenza 1746 (new from Europa Simulazioni)
The War of the Austrian Succession (1740 - 1748) was a dynastic war, initiated by the European powers to counter the legitimate claim of Maria Theresa Habsburgs (1717-1780) to maintain control of all her family possessions, when her father, the Emperor Charles VI, died in 1740. Piacenza 1746 marks a crucial battle in the war of the Austrian Succession in Italy. Linear combat in the Age of Reason. English rules available. [Forum]
- Pushing Cardboard, Episode 3 [podcast]
- A Survey of French & Indian War games [video]
- Have at You! (new from Relative Range)
- Anson’s Cruise (1740–1744)
- Hidden Strike: American Revolution First Look [video]
- Fighting Sail Review and Replay
- A Few Acres of Snow Review
- Bayonets & Tomahawks Review
- 1759: Siege of Quebec First Look [video]
- 1775: Invasion of Canada Review
- French and Indian War Review [video]
- Siege of Fredrikshald
- Tri-Pack of the American Revolution Review [video]
- Archaeological digs in new locations at Culloden Battlefield
- Saratoga Replay [video]
- Brandywine Replay [video]
- Interview with John Poniske
- The Hessians