- Sharp Practice Miniatures (Too Fat Lardies Preorder)
- Liberty or Death Replay
- Introduction to Sharp Practice Minis [video]
- War of the Austrian Succession Replay
- Empires in America, Second Edition Review
- Almost Yorktown
- Liberty or Death Replay
- Comanchería Introductory Play Example
- Liberty or Death Replay
- C&C Tricorne: The American Revolution (Compass Games Preorder)
- Empires in America, 2nd Edition (coming soon from VPG)
- Liberty or Death Review
- Liberty or Death Review [video]
- Empires in America, Second Edition (coming soon from VPG)
- Pub Battles: Brandywine Review
- Minden 1759 Replay
- Liberty or Death Unboxing [video]
- Master and Commander Review
- A Glorious Chance: The Naval Struggle for Lake Ontario, 1813 Tutorial [video]
- Wilderness Empires Review [video]