- Commands & Colors: Tricorne – The American Revolution (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
based on the highly successful C&C game system, where Command cards drive movement and battle dice resolve combat. Tricorne introduces many new game concepts, which add historical depth and provide even the most veteran Commands & Colors player many new play experiences and challenges. This is the first Kickstarter for Compass Games! All prior pre-orders of this title will be honored, future orders will be through Kickstarter. [Forum]
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution (new from Hollandspiele)
Armies march on their stomachs, and guns aren't much use without bullets. This simple, brutal truth is given dynamic, exciting expression in Supply Lines of the American Revolution: The Northern Theater, 1775-1777, which looks at the first three years of the American War for Independence through the lens of supply and logistics. [Forum]
- The Battle of Rhode Island (GMT Games Preorder)
volume 9 in GMT’s Battles of the American Revolution series by designer Mark S. Miklos. The map board depicts the northern half of the island including the fortified American positions around Butt's Hill. There are 64 America, British and Hessian combat units and leaders giving the game a counter density comparable to Saratoga in the series. Although the tactical situation is somewhat straightforward; Americans retreating and British pursuing primarily up two main roads, the nuanced play and game texture is like that found in all the games of the BoAR series. [Forum]
- Hold the Line: The American Revolution Replay
- Hold the Line: The American Revolution Replay
- The American Revolution Review
- Hold the Line Review
- The Resilience of the Rebellion
- Founding Fathers Expansion: Ladies & Orators (new from Calvinus Designs)
Founding Fathers Expansion kit translates an early date for suffrage for women into the possibility of ladies participating in the government. In addition, several Statesmen like Daniel Webster now have a new Orator ability. Others like Andrew Jackson have improved Ability when they act as General. And as always there are more opportunities for subterfuge. [Forum]
- Habsburg Irregulars: The Pandours
- Review of War in the South Scenario for Liberty or Death [video]
- Liberty or Death Review
- Hold the Line: The American Revolution Replay
- The Seven Years War: Frederick’s Gamble “Goes Electric”
- Seven Years War App Review
- The Sloop Of War
- The Western Squadron
- France and the Ottoman Empire
- Madras and Dupleix
- Hold the Line Replay