- Interview with John Poniske
- The Forty-Five
- Scots in Russian Naval Service
- Founding Fathers Replay
- 1754 Conquest Review [video]
- The Forty-Four
- Don’t Tread On Me: The American Revolution Solitaire Board Game Review
- Fontenoy 1745 Book Review
- Revolution Road (new from Compass Games)
contains two separate games encompassing the two Massachusetts flashpoints that ignited the American Revolutionary War in 1775; the running battle between the Colonists and British regulars in the trek to and from Concord and the epic Battle of Bunker Hill that followed. Not only does this title provide two separate engagements but several scenarios for each as well as high solitaire capability multiple solitaire scenarios . The games provide a simple approach to gaming concepts while providing a goodly dose of historical background – eminently usable as a teaching tool. [Forum]
- 18th Century Russian Campaigning in Eastern Europe
- Interview with Robert Markham
- Liberty or Death Review
- Horse & Musket Play Tutorial [video]
- 1754: Conquest – The French and Indian War Review
- Liberty or Death Review
- Battle of Quiberon Bay
- Rogers and His Rangers
- Close Action Review
- Ottoman Enemies: Austria and Russia
- Maria Review [video]