- The British Army Adapts to American Warfare
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 308: The War of Jenkins’ Ear (new from Decision Games)
theater-wide operational two-player game that simulates that last great clash between the English and Spanish empires in the Caribbean during the mid-1700's. Before the American Revolution, control of the Caribbean was to be decisive considering the lucrative commodities that were available to be traded in the West Indies, and this game pits the superior naval might of the English against the long-established Spanish fortified settlements throughout the Caribbean. [Forum]
- Pub Battles: 1777 Brandywine Unboxing [video]
- Mollwitz and Chotusitz: Battles of the First Silesian War Replay
- The Revolution’s Dunkirk, August 29, 1776
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Review
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Mollwitz and Chotusitz: Battles of the First Silesian War Replay
- Revolution Road Review
- Founding Fathers Replay
- Patriots & Redcoats (Green Feet Games @ Kickstarter)
- Mollwitz and Chotusitz: Battles of the First Silesian War Playtest Replay
- New York 1776 Review [video]
- Commands & Colors Tricorne Replay
- Revolution Road Play Tutorial [video]
- The Siege of York
- Building the Prussian Army
- Highland Independent Companies
- Germantown Review
- 1750: Britain vs. France Review