- Malta Pirates
- A Pragmatic War: The War of the Austrian Succession, 1741-1748 (Compass Games Preorder)
a two-player, card-driven game simulating the War of the Austrian Succession. One player represents the Austrian interest and the other player represents the challengers to the Austrians, the Bavarian rival for the Imperial title, Charles Albert and his supporters. This game continues the series pioneered and excellently portrayed by Don Herndon’s No Peace Without Spain! and expanded upon by Nine Years: War of the Grand Alliance 1688-1697. The basic NPWS system is ported to APW but expanded and adapted to model the campaign. [Forum]
- Hold the Line: The French & Indian War Replay
- Spanish Military Power – First Half of the Eighteenth Century
- Mollwitz and Chotusitz Unboxing [video]
- Pirates of the Spanish Main Minis Replay
- Battle of Brandywine Replay
- A Passion for Conquering Forts
- Mollwitz and Chotusitz: Battles of the First Silesian War Replay
- Wilderness War Replay
- Founding Fathers Replay
- Sir JOHN FOX, 1st Baronet BURGOYNE, GCB (1782–1871)
- Sir JEFFERY, 1st Baron Amherst KB (1717–1797)
- Kekionga 1790 and St. Clair’s Folly 1791 Unbagging [video]
- Bloody Fields of Mollwitz Game Overview [video]
- Horse & Musket Expansion: Sport of Kings (new from Hollandspiele)
This second volume picks up where Dawn of an Era left off, covering 1721 - 1748. This is a dramatic and colorful era, “the pinnacle of classic linear combat”. Memorable personages such as Nader Shah, Maurice de Saxe, and Bonnie Prince Charlie march their grand armies across your hex grid. Stealing the spotlight is the young and untested Frederick II of Prussia. Early on he suffers embarrassments and setbacks, stumbling into victories by the skin of his teeth. But by the time this volume concludes, he will have become one of the greatest leaders in military history. This is an expansion. You need "Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era" to play this game. [Forum]
- Tri-Pack: Battles of the American Revolution Replay
- Tri-Pack: Battles of the American Revolution Replay
- Liberty or Death Review
- Austrian Army Spanish War of Succession