- John Company Review [video]
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution: The Southern Strategy (new from Hollandspiele)
The sequel to the very popular Supply Lines of the American Revolution: The Northern Theater, 1775-1777, which was popular with grognards and logistics nerds alike. The game secured a nomination for the 2017 Golden Geek Award for Best Wargame. This hotly anticipated standalone sequel covers the second half of the American War of Independence, and shifts the scene to the Southern colonies of Virginia, Georgia, and the Carolinas. [Forum]
- Clash of Monarchs Replay
- Commands & Colors Tricorne: American Revolution Review [video]
- Militia & Loyalists in The Southern Strategy Game Preview
- War and a New Austrian State
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Review
- The British in Manila
- Tarleton’s Quarter! Unbagging [video]
- Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection Replay
- Mollwitz and Chotusitz Replay
- Under the Southern Cross Playtest Replay
- Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection Review
- C&C: Tricorne Expansion #1 – The American Revolution War (Compass Games Preorder)
The French & More! is the first expansion for the Commands & Colors Tricorne – The American Revolution game. The kit adds ten new battles, adding the French army to the mix and expanding your existing forces. Of course, the two major land battles involving the French Army are included in the scenarios: Savannah and Yorktown. The expansion also takes a detailed look at the Battle of Brandywine, along with the battles of Springfield, Kings Mountain and Pell’s Point. New terrain tiles, additional blocks, stickers and larger, molded dice, are all included so you can play these new American Revolution War engagements. [Forum]
- 1775: Rebellion Replay
- Dorchester Heights – 1776
- Horse & Musket: Sport of Kings Replay
- From a Sketch to Vectors – Making Shorelines And Rivers for the Supply Lines [video]
- Soldier Kings: Pragmatic Sanction (Avalanche Press Preorder)
Pragmatic Sanction is for two to eight players, based on the events of the War of the Austrian Succession. Players represent the crowned heads of the great powers of Europe: Austria, Prussia, Russia, Sweden, Britain, France, Spain and the Ottoman Empire. It uses the same game engine as our Soldier Kings game, and is very similar to Soldier Emperor. This complete game features full-color player aids, silky-smooth pieces and top-quality playing cards. [Forum]
- Kekionga!: A Dark and Bloody Battleground, 1790 Review