- Pub Battles: Monmouth Review
- Guilford Courthouse Play in Progress (video)
- 1775 Rebellion Reprint (new from Academy Games)
This reprint includes an updated rules booklet. The year is 1775. The American colonies are outraged over new taxes imposed upon them by Great Britain. They begin to stockpile arms and organize militia. On April 19th, militia members ambush a column of 700 British Redcoats ordered to seize stockpiled arms. 273 British soldiers are killed or wounded before they reach safety in Boston. The American Revolution has begun! [Forum]
- Bloody Mohawk Unboxing [unboxing]
- Founding Fathers Replay
- Flying Colors Replay
- Flying Colors Replay
- Peter the Great 1702-25 – Russian Army at War
- Flying Colors Replay
- Set Sails for Glory Replay
- Flying Colors Replay
- Frederick II, called the Great (reigned 1740-1786)
- Battle of Reichenbach
- Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection Replay
- Armies of Valmy
- Blood on the Ohio (new from Compass Games)
a two-player, point-to-point movement game covering the Northwest Indian War, 1789-1794, which followed the American Revolution that is loosely based on King Philip's War (MMP, 2010). Settlers flooded across the Ohio River testing the patience of Native nations. A coalition under the skilled leadership of the Miami chieftain, Little Turtle, defiantly stood against them. Raiding on both sides caused casualties to mount. President Washington ordered three army expeditions against them. Two ended in defeat; one marked the greatest native defeat of US forces in the history of the US army. [Forum]
- The Affair of Teplitz
- Engagement at Döebeln
- Interview with Tom Russell
- Fire and Shock