- After Bunker Hill…
- The Battle of Torgau
- 1776 Review and Rod Coffey Dedication [video]
- Commands & Colors Tricorne: The French and More Unboxing [video]
- Flying Colors Replay
- Dreams of Empire: The Expanding Preview
- Revolution Road Replay
- The Pragmatic Sanction
- Friedrich World Championship 2018 Report
- Bloody Mohawk: The French and Indian War Replay
- Battles of the American Revolution WBC Replay
- WBC: 1775 Rebellion Tournament After Action Report
- Soldier Emperor: Dreams of Empire Preview
- de Grasse’s fleet at Chesapeake Bay
- Commands & Colors Tricorne: The American Revolution Review
- Soldier Kings: The Potato War (new from Avalanche Press)
The Potato War is a supplement for Soldier Kings, our multi-player game of the Seven Years’ War. The book includes a full-color 17x11-inch map of the Black Sea Steppe and Caucasus regions. In addition to the new Russo-Ottoman and Potato War scenarios and their additional pieces, there are new pieces (with optional rules for their use) for the Seven Years’ War scenarios of Soldier Kings, plus some additional options. [Forum]
- War of Jenkins’ Ear – Cartagena – 1741
- 1759 Siege of Quebec (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
1759: Siege of Quebec is the first in our Great Sieges game series. These games highlight command decisions for players against a solitaire game engine opponent. They have been designed for easy set up and quick game play. Game unit placement is shown on the game board and units are wooden markers representing troop and ship formations. The game was developed for solitaire play and players can play as either the French or the British against the solitaire player game engine. There is also a two player version of the game. [Forum]
- Founding Fathers Replay
- Pub Battles: Monmouth Review