- [InsideGMT] Hunt for Blackbeard: Action on the Map
- Scottish Soldiers in the Eighteenth Century British Army
- Commands & Colors Tricorne First Impression Review [video]
- Battle of Lagos
- Battle of Monmouth Play Overview [video]
- 1754 Conquest Review [video]
- Struggle of Empires Replay
- Commands & Colors Tricorne: The American Revolution Replay
- Revolution Road Review
- Pub Battles: Monmouth Replay
- Horse & Musket III: Crucible of War (new from Hollandspiele)
The third volume of Sean Chick's Horse & Musket takes as its subject the Seven Years' War, a conflict that saw fighting in both the old world and the new. This was the last great clash of monarchs - the final and grandest game of European power politics before it was all to be swept away by the bloody tides of revolution. [Forum]
- Flying Colors Replay
- Saratoga 1777
- [InsideGMT] Imperial Struggle Development Update
- [InsideGMT] Hunt for Blackbeard: A Peek at Play
- Hunt for Blackbeard (GMT Games Preorder)
Hunt for Blackbeard is a two-player boardgame that portrays the effort in 1718 by the colony of Virginia and the Royal Navy to track down the notorious pirate Blackbeard (Edward Teach) as he sought refuge in colonial North Carolina. It features the historical events, places, and personages involved in Blackbeard’s demise 300 years ago, and the real-world challenges of “golden-age” piracy and pirate hunting. [Forum]
- British Infantry at Dettingen
- Revolution Road Review
- Wilderness War Replay
- Pax Emancipation Unboxing [video]