- A Pragmatic War (new from Compass Games)
a two-player game simulating the War of the Austrian Succession, 1741 – 1748. One player represents the Austrian interest represented by the Austrians and those powers in Europe faithful to the original agreement, (“the Pragmatic Alliance”). The other player represents the challengers to the Austrians, the Bavarian rival for the Imperial title, Charles Albert and his supporters, primarily the Bourbon rulers of France and Spain intermittently joined by Prussia (“the Bourbons”). This game features a mounted game map and continues the series pioneered and excellently portrayed by Don Herndon’s No Peace Without Spain! [Forum]
- Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising (Compass Games Preorder)
Jacobite Rising is our first standalone game for Commands & Colors Tricorne (ownership of Tricorne is NOT required) and features 13 battle scenarios by Richard Borg. Mounted game board, terrain tiles, blocks, command and combat cards, stickers and large, molded dice are all included. You will find many new and interesting play concepts which brings new experiences and challenges covering the world of the Highland Clans in the time of the Jacobite Risings. [Forum]
- A Pragmatic War Unboxing [video]
- Banner System (1601-1912)
- Roger’s Rangers: America’s First Commandos Replay
- Siege of Izmail (new from Hollandspiele)
- William Cadogan (1675-1726)
- 1759 The Siege of Quebec Review [video]
- Saratoga Capsule Review
- Liberty: The American Revolution Review
- 1782-3: The End of War
- 1776: The Birth Of A Nation Replay
- Gaming the American Revolution
- 1759: The Siege of Quebec Review
- 1754: Conquest – The French and Indian War Review
- Rogers’ Rangers: America’s First Commandos Replay
- Horse & Musket Annual #1 (new from Hollandspiele)
The first annual scenario book for Sean Chick's Horse & Musket series brings twenty new battles to your table from throughout the eras covered in the first three volumes. Ownership of all three will enable you to enjoy all twenty scenarios included herein, though some scenarios can be played with only the base game, or only one of the previous expansions. [Forum]
- Campaigns of 1777 Preview [video]
- Fort William Henry 1757
- All or Nothing: The Fight for Fort Mercer Replay