- Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis, 1860-61 (GMT Games Preorder)
two-player Card Driven Game (CDG) portraying the 1860 secession crisis that led to the bombardment of Fort Sumter and the American Civil War. Fort Sumter is a small footprint game (11x17” mounted map) that takes approximately 25-40 minutes to play. The game pits a Unionist versus a Secessionist player. Each player uses the area control mechanic pioneered in my We The People design and immortalized in Twilight Struggle to place, move, and remove political capital. The location of political capital determines who controls each of the four crisis dimensions (Political, Secession, Public Opinion, and Armaments). After three rounds of play, the game culminates in a Final Crisis confrontation to determine the winner. [Forum]
- More Aggressive Attitudes (new from Hollandspiele)
an operational-level game for two players exploring the 1862 Virginia Campaign. Each hex represents a span of five miles, and each turn is a day. The counter density is low, just a handful of units per side — and the rules are simple, but nuanced. The focus is squarely on the operational level, and the ability of your subordinates to carry out your orders — to march a given distance in a day, to avoid battle, or to coordinate their attacks — is not entirely within your control. [Forum]
- Last Chance for Victory Unboxing [video]
- 1846: The Race for the Midwest Replay
- Gettysburg, 1977 Edition Replay
- Comanchería Unboxing [video]
- Dwarven Rails Review [video]
- Gettysburg: 125th Anniversary Edition Review [video]
- Gettysburg: High Tide of the Confederacy Replay [video]
- Gettysburg: High Tide of the Confederacy Replay [video]
- Gettysburg: High Tide of the Confederacy Review [video]
- The Alamo Remembered Unboxing [video]
- The Battle of San Jacinto – Santa Anna’s Folly
- Custer’s Final Campaign: 7th Cavalry at Little Bighorn Review
- New Features in Under the Southern Cross
- Mexican War
- Chemical Weapons before 1900
- Gettysburg, 1977 Edition Replay [video]
- George H. Thomas
- 1866: The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany Unboxing [video]