- Table Battles Review
- Grant & Pemberton Review [video]
- Pub Battles: Little Big Horn Review [video]
- Objective Shreveport! Replay
- The U.S. Civil War Replay
- April’s Harvest Replay
- Objective Shreveport! Review
- Iron and Oak Review
- Blood of Noble Men Review [video]
- Two Flags, One Nation Designer Diary
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Review
- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks Review
- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks Replay
- The James River 1864
- Objective Shreveport! (new from Hollandspiele)
Designer John Theissen has another compact operational sandbox for ACW gamers to play around in. While the game has some similarities to his More Aggressive Attitudes, important differences in scale and emphasis result in a unique experience that's specific to the factors that doomed the Union's 1864 Red River Campaign. [Forum]
- Chancellorsville Replay [video]
- Death Valley: Battles for the Shenandoah (GMT Games Preorder)
- McClellan is Rebuffed
- Top 5 American Civil War Games [video]
- Seven Pines or Fair Oaks Review [video]