- Stonewall Jackson’s Way Review [video]
- On to Paris! Review
- The Great Game (new from Legion Wargames)
The Great Game is a card driven game (CDG) recreating the 19th Century Anglo-Russian struggle for supremacy in Central Asia. In the actual contest, Tsarist Russia resented British expeditions into the Steppe Khanates while Victorian Britain feared that Russian entreaties to Persia and Afghanistan would jeopardize India's security. So the two imperial powers wove a complex tale of diplomatic intrigue, colonial conquest and proxy wars that spanned 50 years. [Forum]
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way Replay [video]
- Perryville Replay [video]
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way II Replay
- At Any Cost: Metz 1870 (new from GMT Games)
At Any Cost: Metz 1870 is a game simulating the situation west of the Metz fortress during those few days of August 1870. The game is designed to be a playable, two-player brigade-scale game that allows players to experience the unique tactical warfare matchups that characterized fighting during the Franco-Prussian War. [Forum]
- At Any Cost, Metz 1870 Unboxing [video]
- Chitral 1895: An Episode of the Great Game Book Review
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way Replay [video]
- Perryville Replay [video]
- The Late Unpleasantness: Two Campaigns to take Richmond (Compass Games Preorder)
covers the two major attempts to capture the Confederate Capital City. Gates of Richmond covers the Seven Days Battles with Robert E Lee facing down George McClellan. If It Takes All Summer is Ulysses S. Grant’s overland campaign of 1864, which added the names of Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse and Cold Harbor to Civil War history. Each game can be picked up and learned in under 30 minutes, and played entirely through in 4 hours or less. The cards, leaders and Wilderness/Magruder tables add a level of chrome and history to the games without making them difficult. Combined with the hidden strengths and dummy counters, no two games are ever the same. [Forum]
- 1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties (GMT Games Preorder)
- Across the Rappahannock on Pontoon Bridges
- Gettysburg (125th Anniversary Edition) Replay
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way II Replay
- Death Valley: Battles for the Shenandoah Playtest Replay
- Russian Army – Crimean War
- Dark Continent Review [video]
- Interview with Bill Byrne