- Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis, 1860-61 (new from GMT Games)
a two-player Card Driven Game (CDG) portraying the 1860 secession crisis that led to the bombardment of Fort Sumter and the American Civil War. Fort Sumter is a small footprint game (11x17” mounted map) that takes approximately 25-40 minutes to play. The game pits a Unionist versus a Secessionist player. Each player uses the area control mechanic pioneered in my We The People design and immortalized in Twilight Struggle to place, move, and remove political capital. The location of political capital determines who controls each of the four crisis dimensions (Political, Secession, Public Opinion, and Armaments). After three rounds of play, the game culminates in a Final Crisis confrontation to determine the winner. [Forum]
- Ft. Sumter Review [video]
- Ft. Sumter Review
- 18VA Review [video]
- Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg (new from Revolution Games)
the third game in the Revolution Games series of American Civil War games, simulating the fighting on July 2nd, 1863 during the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg and focuses on the southern portion of the battlefield. These engagements involved General Longstreet’s attack against Sickles’ positions, with troops from Hood’s and McLaws’ Divisions, assisted as well by Anderson’s Division of A.P. Hill’s Corps. [Forum]
- Roads to Gettysburg II: Lee Strikes North Replay
- The Great Game: Series Replay [video]
- War in China, 1840–54
- Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis, 1860-61 Unboxing [video]
- Bull Run Play Overview [video]
- Battle Above the Clouds Replay [video]
- Austro-Prussian War (1866)
- Clash of Giants: Civil War Review
- The Great Game Play Overview [video]
- The Great Game Preview [video]
- A Spectacular Raid
- Torpedo [Sea Mine]
- Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg Replay
- Philippine-American War Begins
- At Any Cost: Metz 1870 Replay