- By Iron and Blood (new from White Dog Games)
By Iron and Blood is a two-player wargame depicting the final, decisive battle of the Austro-Prussian War. The Battle of Koniggratz (or Sadowa) occurred on July 3, 1866 and involved over 450,000 men from multiple European nations and principalities. The battle would decide the destiny of Europe, determining whether Prussia or Austria would form a united Germany. [Forum]
- By Iron and Blood Review
- Little Round Top First Look [video]
- Interview with Vince Cooper
- Wyatt Earp Review
- Across 5 April: Gettysburg Replay
- A Most Fearful Sacrifice First Look [video]
- Gettysburg Play Tutorial [video]
- Three Days of Gettysburg Replay [video]
- Gettysburg Games in 60 Seconds [video]
- A Most Fearful Sacrifice 2nd Edition Reprint (new from Flying Pig Games)
A Most Fearful Sacrifice is an epic two-player wargame with over 15 square feet of playing area and 526 playing pieces depicting the fighting that occurred during all three days of this decisive clash. The game utilizes a new ACW operating system called the Black Swan system, which is closely related to the popular Blind Swords game system first introduced in the game The Devil’s To Pay! by Tiny Battle Publishing. [Forum]
- Under the Southern Cross: Flying Colors, Vol. IV (new from GMT Games)
Under the Southern Cross: The South American Republics in the Age of Fighting Sail is the fourth volume of the highly regarded Flying Colors series of games on naval combat. The focus is on the southern part of the South American continent: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, from the Wars of Independence starting in 1810 through the last naval war fought completely under sail between Argentina and Uruguay in 1841. [Forum]
- Interview with Keith Hafner & Matt Shirley
- Gettysburg 1863 (Worthington Publishing Preorder)
GETTYSBURG 1863 is Volume IV in the Old School Wargames Civil War Brigade Battle series. Gamers get to refight the historic and pivotal battle of Gettysburg in 1863 using a large mounted map board, large pieces, and a streamlined set of series rules that is just 8 -12 pages long. The Battle Booklet will give you historical details, design, notes, and six scenarios. [Forum]
- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks Review
- Shenandoah: Jackson’s Valley Campaign Review
- Antietam 1862 First Look [video]
- Prelude to Revolution First Look [video]
- Shiloh 1862 First Look [video]
- Champion Hill Replay