- Waters Unvexed: Three Battles on the Mississippi, 1862 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
- The Skirmisher, Issue 4 (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
- Khartoum: Sudan, 1883 to 1885 Review
- Siege of Delhi Game Review
- The Day Was Ours: First Bull Run Review
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way Replay
- Kernstown Replay
- In Magnificent Style Review
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way II Replay
- Mosby’s Raiders: Guerilla Warfare in the Civil War Review
- Pleasant Hill: The Red River Campaign First Look [video]
- Gettysburg ’77 Play Tutorial [video]
- The Seven Days Battles First Look [video]
- Custer’s Last Stand Replay
- The Seven Days Battles Replay
- The Best of Gettysburg [video]
- Gettysburg games played [video]
- Gettysburg ’77 Play Session [video]
- By Iron and Blood (new from White Dog Games)
By Iron and Blood is a two-player wargame depicting the final, decisive battle of the Austro-Prussian War. The Battle of Koniggratz (or Sadowa) occurred on July 3, 1866 and involved over 450,000 men from multiple European nations and principalities. The battle would decide the destiny of Europe, determining whether Prussia or Austria would form a united Germany. [Forum]
- By Iron and Blood Review