- The Great White Fleet
- Huzzah! Four Battles of the American Civil War Replay
- Gettysburg Review
- Walcheren 1809 Replay
- Remember the Maine: War Comes to the Caribbean
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way II AAR [video]
- Counter Clipping, Episode 162 [video]
- Horns of the Buffalo: Rourke’s Drift Overview [video]
- On To Richmond II First Impression [video]
- GWAS Remember the Maine, Second Edition (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- 1867 Big Wyoming (GMT Games Preorder)
- Interview with Claude Whalen
- Late to the Fight: Battle of Palmetto Ranch, 1865 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
- War of the Triple Alliance Replay
- Great War at Sea: Russo-Japanese War Review
- Interview with Jules FĂ©lisaz
- Interview with Gregory M. Smith
- On to Richmond! Replay
- 18 India Replay
- The Hill of Death: Champion Hill Replay