- Horns of the Buffalo Replay
- Grant Takes Command II Play Session [video]
- Thunder on the Mississippi: Grant’s Vicksburg Campaign (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
- The War Against Denmark
- Three Days of Gettysburg Deluxe Edition – Designer Update
- Battle of Raymond, 1863
- US Civil War: Comparing GBACW vs Line of Battle game series [video]
- An Impossible War: The First Carlist War in the North, 1834-1838 Review
- GWAS Remember the Maine Review
- Blind Swords: The Ideal Civil War Tactical System [video short]
- Gettysburg: A Time for Heroes (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
- The U.S. Civil War Play Session [video]
- Rebel Fury: Battles of the ACW (new from GMT Games)
- Manoeuvre Strategy Tips
- Roads to Gettysburg Replay
- Grant Takes Command II Play Session [video]
- A Rail Network Designed With Military Purposes In Mind
- Rise of the Dragon: Imperial China’s Navy
- Into the Woods, Shiloh AAR [video]
- Grand Havoc First Look [video]