- The Campaign for North Africa: Preplan your attacks [video]
- Headquarters: World War II Play Session [video]
- Rebel Fury, Chickamauga Turn 2 Replay [video]
- Burnside Takes Command – Scenario #1 Play Session [video]
- CSA America’s Civil War Play Session [video]
- Axis Empires: Ultimate Edition Play Tutorial [video]
- Highway to the Reich, 2nd Edition Play Session [video]
- Red Strike Replay
- Patton’s Best Replay
- The Enemy is at the Gates, The Battle for Berlin Play Session [video]
- Point Blank: V is for Victory Play Tutorial [video]
- Front Office Football 8 Play Session [video]
- Fighters of the Pacific AAR
- SWWAS Midway: Deluxe Edition AAR
- Beneath the Med: Regia Marina at Sea AAR
- Colonial Twilight: The French-Algerian War AAR
- The Hunters Play Session [video]
- The Enemy is at the Gates, The Battle for Berlin, 1985 Play Session [video]
- Battles of Napoleon: Eylau 1807 Play Session [video]
- Stonewall: The Battle of Kernstown Replay