- Luzon: Race for Bataan Play Session, Parts 2-5 [video]
- Chancellorsville, Second Edition Replay
- Waterloo 1815: Fallen Eagles II Replay
- Empires in Arms Replay
- D-Day Dice Pocket Deluxe Play Session [video]
- ATS Advanced Tobruk System Play Tutorial [video]
- Black Orchestra: The Hunt for Hitler Play Session [video]
- Burning Banners: Rage of the Witch Queen Replay
- Where There Is Discord: War in the South Atlantic AAR
- 1824: Austrian-Hungarian Railway Play Session, Part 3 [video]
- Burning Banners: Rage of the Witch Queen Replay
- Burning Banners: Rage of the Witch Queen Replay
- Luzon: Race for Bataan Play Session [video]
- Chancellorsville Play Tutorial [video]
- Rebel Fury: Chattanooga Play Session [video]
- Paths of Glory using CDG Solo System Play Session [video]
- Red Partisans Play Session, Part 2 [video]
- Rebel Fury: Chickamauga Play Session [video]
- Battles of the Ancient World Volume II Replay
- Through Hell and Back Play Session [video]