- Quatre Bras V App Replay
- Panzers, Beans and Bullets
- Castle Itter App Review
- Pavlov’s House App Review
- Pavlov’s House (Digital Version) Review
- The Twelve Days of Wargames 2020
- Scheldt ’44 App Design Notes
- Imperial Struggle – online play options – Vassal vs. Tabletop Simulator
- Libertad o Muerte! App Review [video]
- Nations at War Digital Tutorial [video]
- Lock ‘n Load Tactical Digital Preview [video]
- Panzer Grenadier VASSAL Online!
- Strategic Command: World War I App Review
- Blocks! Julius Caesar App Review
- Libertadores App and Boardgame (Avalon Digital @ Kickstarter)
- Blocks! Richard III App Review
- Blocks: Richard III App Review
- Blocks: Richard III App (new from Avalon Digital/Columbia Games)
- RIchard III for PC and Mac (Columbia Games @ Kickstarter)
Richard the Third is a computer adaption of the epic two-player wargame that recreates the 15th century, bloody dynastic struggle between the royal houses of Lancaster and York for the throne of England. Will the mad-king Henry VI and his Queen Margaret keep the throne or will the Duke of York recover it for the Plantagenets. Also strutting across the game's stage are Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII, and Warwick, the notorious "Kingmaker". [Forum]
- Battles for Spain Digital App (new from Headquarter & Avalon Digital)