- Hannibal & Hamilcar Review
- 1944: Battle of the Bulge Capsule Review
- Huzzah! Four Battles of the American Civil War Replay
- Atlantic Chase Review
- Mr. President: The American Presidency AAR
- Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 Replay
- Gettysburg Review
- The Last Hundred Yards First Look [video]
- The Peninsular War: Talavera, 1809
- The Battle of Zorndorf, 1758
- Stalingrad Roads: Battle on the Edge of the Abyss Overview [video]
- ASL Counter Rating Jamboree! Part 1 [video]
- Nangwaya, ClarkCommando and Hexy Talking Games [video]
- C3i Magazine, Issue 37 First Look [video]
- Baptism by Fire Play Session [video]
- C3i Magazine, Issue 37: Baetis Campaign, 211 BC (new from RBM Studios)
- Lombardy Studios Company Update
- Cody’s Top Ten Two Player Games [video]
- Mentioned in Dispatches S12 Ep 4 ~ If I Had A Million Dollars [podcast]
- Hannibal’s Revenge Replay