- Rommel’s Panzers First Look [video]
- The Lost Valley: Siege of Dien Bein Phu Play Session [video]
- The U.S. Civil War Play Session [video]
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- The Fate of All First Look [video]
- Eagle Day: The Battle of Britain First Look [video]
- Rebel Fury: Battles of the ACW (new from GMT Games)
- France ’40, Second Edition (new from GMT Games)
- Twilight Struggle “World’s Best War Games” Invitational Tournament
- Manoeuvre Strategy Tips
- RevCon 2024 After Action Report
- Compass Games Town Hall, Episode 84 [video]
- Admiral Sir Max Horton, RN (1883–1951)
- Maritime Australia in the 21st Century
- Ufa Offensive, 1919
- Qing and Opium Wars
- 7th Fleet: Modern Naval Combat in the Far East Replay
- SWWAS Horn of Africa Review
- SWWAS Combined Fleet Capsule Review
- White Eagle Defiant: Poland 1939 Review