- Gettysburg: A Time for Heroes (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
- Whiskey Charlie – Episode 63: The Fate of All [video]
- A Naval Engagement In The Bosphorus
- The First Civil War
- Bombing of Vemork
- The Battles of Philippi, 42 B.C.
- Why don’t we play the games we have? [video]
- No Enemies Here, S6 Ep46 [video]
- Fire in the Blue (Acies Edizioni @ Kickstarter)
- Triumph & Tragedy AAR
- Campaign for Guadalcanal AAR
- 1562: The Beginning of a Tragedy Replay
- Total War: ROME Review
- Bomber Command: The Night Raids AAR
- Manila: The Savage Streets Play Tutorial (ITA w/English subtitles) [video]
- Mentioned in Dispatches, S12 Ep5 ~ Classic Wargaming [podcast]
- ASL Mortar Musings [video]
- Panzer North Africa Play Session [video]
- Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 First Look [video short]
- Panzer North Africa Play Session [video]