- Richthofen’s War Replay
- Memory Lane: Avalon Hill Philosophy, Part 91
- The Last Hundred Yards, Volume 4 Play Session [video]
- New Crete Maleme ASL Map for Operation Merkur [video]
- Patria Libre First Look [video]
- Rebel Fury First Look [video]
- France ’40 First Look [video]
- THE CHIT SHOW | Air Combat Games with Sean Brown & Ed Bryan [video]
- Winter’s Victory First Look with Designer Mark Hinkle [video]
- Table Battles: Great Battles of Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine First Look [video]
- Is A Gest of Robin Hood a COIN Game?
- Horns of the Buffalo Replay
- Grant Takes Command II Play Session [video]
- OCS Burma Japanese Banzai Attack Example [video]
- Panzer North Africa Play Session [video]
- ASL Starter Kit #1 AAR [video]
- Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Boardgame First Look [video]
- Interview with Marco Gnagnetti
- Thunder on the Mississippi: Grant’s Vicksburg Campaign (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
- The War of 1812: Designer’s Edition (new from Blue Panther)