- U-Boot Demise…
- Underestimating the Boers
- Stalingrad: Advance to the Volga (Revolution Games Back in Stock)
- Pedregal: Santa Anna at Bay First Look [video]
- Horns of the Buffalo Replay
- A Most Fearful Sacrifice, 2nd Edition Reprint (Flying Pig Games @ Kickstarter)
- GMT Games Company Update
- Napoleon’s Last Gamble Play Session [video]
- Blitz in the East (VentoNuovo Games Preorder)
- Flashpoint: South China Sea First Look [video]
- The Fate of All First Look [video]
- North Africa ’41 First Look [video]
- Wacht Am Rhein GOSS Play Session [video]
- Historical Accuracy in Wargames with a Focus on Waterloo [video short]
- Crisis: 1914 – Event Card Spoilers – Germany, Part One
- Reluctant Friends, Bitter Enemies: Sicily 1943 (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
- Battles of the American Revolution Play Session [video]
- Dungeon Crusade Fall of Briarwood Play Session [video]
- Saladin Review [video]
- Defiance Design Happy Hour: A Developer’s Perspective